Gay massage therapist near atlanta

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It’s important to be present, to stay with a moment because that moment has value and then allow for a real connection. I don’t discriminate and welcome factions from LGBTQIA, straight and/or any variation between. Moving beyond the mechanic’s of bodywork we can cultivate a safe and trusted space for all despite the limits of social and cultural conditioning.

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Balancing sensitivity and strength, moving carefully and often deeply to musculature interior, detailing strokes along bony landmarks and non-physical gestures of energy placement are significant points to the rhythm of my work. I fuse eastern-western modalities, mesh technical and intuitive therapies that charm the senses and awaken energy. I aim to guide the two into alignment achieving oneness.

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My focus is central to connection amid energy and anatomy. I’m a certified massage therapist and intuitive healer. Identifying core issues, interpreting what’s found and facilitating necessary correction are essential elements to this body of holistic work. Massage is a broad modality of healing and when guided can provide an endless stream of benefits. We as living things use touch to communicate and also connect. Qi (chi) is the life force in all things and all things are inherently fused.

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