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Griffin has recorded numerous standup comedy specials for HBO and Bravo. After being nominated for six years in a row for the Grammy for Best Comedy Album, she won the award in 2014.

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In 2009, she released her autobiography Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin. Her first album For Your Consideration (2008) made her the first female comedian to debut at the top of the Billboard Top Comedy Albums chart. Griffin has released six comedy albums, all of which received Grammy Award nominations. The Bravo reality show Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List (2005–2010) became a ratings hit for the network and earned her two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Reality Program. In the 1990s, Griffin began performing as a stand-up comedian and appeared as a guest star on television shows, including the NBC sitcom Suddenly Susan (1996–2000). In 1978, she moved to Los Angeles, where she studied drama at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute and became a member of the improvisational comedy troupe The Groundlings. She has also appeared in supporting roles in films. In 20, Griffin won Primetime Emmy Awards for her reality show Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.

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Kathleen Mary Griffin (born November 4, 1960) is an American comedian and actress who has starred in television comedy specials and has released comedy albums.

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